Community Art Healing Projects

Color Outside the Lines' work extends beyond that of focusing exclusively on youth populations. We also facilitate community healing arts projects that is meant to bridge gaps and find healing through prayer and art. We have focused this work at events honoring Indigenous communities and recognizing the impacts of climate change. 

In the summer of 2018, we hand built a Community Prayer Weaving Loom. This loom has facilitated group prayer and intention setting creations in Oregon, California and Puerto Rico. The purpose of these collective prayer weavings is to have many voices, languages, and intentions be woven into a  a beautiful piece of artwork that acts as a healing process with a beautiful and vibrant final product. Each person who feels inclined writes a prayers on on a colorful strip of fabric and weaves it into the tapestry, creating many voices and prayers as one. 

Climate Action Summit - San Francisco - Sept 2018

Color Outside the Lines was honored to facilitate our first community healing project at the Climate Action Summit in San Francisco on September 11-14th, 2018. 

At this OurVillage Climate Action event, 40 indigenous leaders from around the world gathered under the same roof for first time, alongside many other amazing minds; to talk about deforestation, climate change, as well as share ideas and hope for our future on this plant.

Color Outside the Lines, in collaboration with Medicine Collective, built the loom from scratch, drove it from Oregon to SF, cut the fabric, and watched as it was filled with prayers in many languages, from many races, genders and ages, collectively participating in creating a weaving of hope and intention. This weaving will continue to grow, as the loom will be set up in several Native American reservations in the coming year, to be filled with more color and prayers. We will then auction the large piece, and the proceeds will go back to native youth communities to offer funding for artistic programming and outreach.

Throughout this 4 day event, indigenous leaders spoke from the heart about losing their land to greed and power and watching as climate change effects their crops and people. It was heartbreaking, but it was equally as beautiful and necessary. A common thread between them all, was that their deep spiritual connection with nature, fueled and fed their communities as much as the food and shelter did. Their intrinsic and selfless connection to ALL land, and each other,  was a potent reminder that we we are all indeed connected, to this land, and each other, whether we like it or not. Take away - Now is the time. The planet needs us to pay attention and make small changes on a personal level that will continue its sustainability, in the mean time..let’s care for those we share it with, strangers and loved ones alike.